Saturday, February 28, 2009

ASTRO Applauds President Obama's Health Priorities

The American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) applauds President Obama's healthcare reform priorities set forth in his February 26, 2009, budget blueprint, particularly the President's promise to double funding for cancer research and close loopholes that are weakening the Medicare program.

Remarkable breakthroughs in cancer research and medical technology continue to make radiation therapy an effective, less-invasive cancer treatment option. Because radiation therapy is not invasive and has relatively minimal side effects, patients receiving radiation therapy often can maintain normal family lifestyles and continue to work.

The economic downturn and a strained healthcare system are forcing an increasing number of cancer patients, both insured and uninsured, to make heartbreaking decisions to delay or forgo necessary radiation treatments. Radiation oncologists are deeply troubled by this dire situation facing their patients and are committed to help move forward needed healthcare reform.

source ASTRO

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